How many ways can you donate to the GCBC?

The table lists all the different ways you can donate to the Geauga County Bluecoats:

How to Donate To Geauga County Bluecoats:

Gifts of Cash

This is the most typical way to contribute and includes donations that are charged to Visa, MasterCard or check. Geauga Bluecoats can process cash as a one-time gift or as payment on a pledge.


Gifts of Stock

Gifts of stock usually afford the donor a tax benefit and can also result in a large gift. Please notify the Geauga Bluecoats of your intent to contribute stock. Stock gifts can be recorded as a donation, annual gift or as payment of a pledge.

Name us in your Will


Consult your attorney and prepare your will. It is one of your most important documents. Providing for Geauga Bluecoats in your will is a lasting tribute. Speak with your attorney.

Use Life Insurance as the Gift Vehicle
You can name Geauga Bluecoats as a beneficiary of your policy.
Other Planned Gifts
These include trusts, unitrusts, charitable remainder trusts, etc. These are vehicles that should be discussed with your estate planner, attorney, or financial advisor..
Gifts Given in Tribute

You can pay tribute to a loved one; celebrate an anniversary, birthday, or graduation; or honor an officer with your donation. Send your check, along with the name and address of the person you would like Geauga Bluecoats to notify. A letter will be sent that tells the honoree (or a survivor of the honoree if the gift is a memorial), of your thoughtful gesture. The amount of the donation is not mentioned.